PIC - LED pictogram to stick on front or back for bus or coach Spain

Ref. D16009 Show/hide other part numbers

  • Ref. PIC C.ES.SC/C
  • Ref. PIC250/400.C.ES.SC/C
LED pictogram to stick on front or back for bus or coach Spain
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Voltage 12/24 V
Source LED
Amperage Maximum 13.5 Vdc - 0.250 A; average 13.5 Vdc - 0.128 A; maximum 28 Vdc - 0.320 A; average 28 Vdc - 0.164 A
Number of LED 40 LED front pictogram; 56 LED rear pictogram
Angle light pattern 60°
Options, upon request 3.3 m cable, Black ABS cover to hide the pictogram
EMC ECE R10-03
Industry Buses and Coaches